Our Story. Extending Joy.

For those living with memory loss or in long-term care.

Extending Joy. One Bouquet at a Time.

Bluebirds & Blooms was inspired by the kindness of a stranger. When Laura Hogan and Karen Wooldridge heard a story about a woman in Idaho who used flowers as a way to spread joy to seniors in hospice, the two friends recognized a need for something similar in their home state of Minnesota. Over coffee in January 2018, the two friends developed the beginnings of Bluebirds & Blooms.

Laura and Karen recruited friends and family members to help pick up flowers from local grocery stores. The deconstruction and arranging of flowers occurred in whatever space they could find; kitchens, dining rooms, or whatever space would allow. When a bouquet was ready to be shared, it was gifted to an individual with memory loss or someone living with long-term illness. From these humble beginnings, today Bluebirds & Blooms has delivered over 67,000 bouquets and continues to extend joy to those who need it most.